Money Attitude
When you just hit the cash the next thing people think about is that the house they live in doesn't suit them, oh this clothes are old, I need a new car, I have to go shopping...and the likes...yes all this things are good and pleasing but the factual truth is that money comes and go so they spend all during the sunny day and forget about the rainy days awesome. People's attitude reflect on how they spend their income "everyone wants to dream and live big" but forgetting that every day is not a Merry day. Then this question arises HOW Do YOU MANAGE YOUR FINANCES? The first thing to bear in mind is that don't live beyond your capacity, secondly never compare yourself with others and lastly have the ability and mindset to save even when you have it in excess, do well to maintain the status Quo and gradually aim at that height you want to climb. We should never be a wasteful spender I.e living extravagantly and chase after the wind. Resources of becoming...